Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am currently reading research for a paper that is due in April. This paper is only supposed to be ten pages max and I have at least sixteen articles for the research. (I discarded one as it is not on the topic that I'm writing on.) I also have to read articles for other classes as well. This week is supposed to be Spring Break, but I have been doing homework all week so far.

On the other hand I've have also done a lot of fun reading as well. I have read a lot of fanfiction and I have started to read more indepth about backyard homesteading. I picked up this book because it reminded me of my grandparents farm. What I realize now is that my grandmother was right...she taught me how to snap greenbeans, pick strawberries, how to weed, and most important how to love the world of nature. I wish she where her so I could tell her that she was right and that I am thankful that she taught me those skills. I hope that one day I too can have my own homestead, where I can grow my own food.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Waiting and Heart Kin

Right at the moment I'm waiting for my appointment for PT. I guess I could be doing other things like studing for a midterm or getting ink for my printer, but I guess I don't want too.

Heart kin is a strange concept that people look at you funny for. Heart Kin is merely saying that a person you are close to is more like family than just a friend. For me I have heart kin sisters. Rachel is someone who is very much my same aged sister, Andrea and LeAnn are both my younger sisters. I love all three of them very much. There is a verse in the Bible where it mentions that there will be a friend that is closer than a brother. These sisters of mine are that close.

Since I am in graduate school I have meet a lot of new people and I think I am going to be adding to my heart kin. This is not a bad thing and I am glad for the making of new friends. I would rather have close friends than a lot of people hang around.

I might go get ink this afternoon so I can print off my readings for class and study this evening and tomorrow for the midterm.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Here we go again

I am going try this again. This is only my third blog, and I have no idea where the two are. Hopefully this time I will be able to keep this one up.

I am currently in Boston and am in Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information School. I'm archives contration major. I would like to end up in a museum archive or national park archive or on a military base.

I can honestly say that I miss the warm Arizona weather, my family, friends, and church family. I can also say that I am enjoying my new friends and public transit! ^_^